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do u know the meaning of .. ? a game
Have you ever heard of the word (synonym)? Do you know its meaning
It means كلمات مترادفة – لها نفس المعنى أو المعنى القريب و لكن بألفاظ مختلفة For example The word (beautiful) has many synonyms …. Beautiful = pretty – lovely – gorgeous – fine – attractive – good looking....etc How can you know the synonyms of any word You can buy a book like a dictionary…. It is called a (Thesaurus)….look for any word, and then find all its synonyms But be careful….not all the synonyms have the (same) meaning….sometimes they just have a close or related meaning… Every day, I will add a word, and I will ask you to put a synonym for it… You can also add your own word, and ask us to give a synonym for it… So …are you ready to play the game __________________ |
10-13-2006, 04:31 AM | #3 |
رد: do u know the meaning of .. ? a game
Hi lovely girl ... i want to answer
The synonym of ( big ) is : great .. massy .. wide & infinity but this infinity has end !! becausa we talk in real space |
10-13-2006, 04:52 AM | #4 |
رد: do u know the meaning of .. ? a game
على سبيل المثال
الكلمة (جميلة) لها العديدمن المرادفات الجميل = جميل- رائع -رائعة- غرامة - جذاب - جميلة .... الخ كيف تعرف مرادفات أي كلمة انت يكون ان تشتري a يحجز a قاموس.. هو يدعى a (قاموس معاني) .. يبحث عن اي كلمة، وبعد ذلك يجد كل مرادفاتة لاكن كن حذر ... ليس كلمة المرادفات( لها نفس) معنى .. احيانا هم فقط عندهم a إنتها او معنى ذو علاقة ... كل يوم انا ساضيف a كلمة وانا ساطلب منك وضع مرادف له .. انت يمكن ان تضيف كلمتك الخاصة ايضاً وتطلب مننا إعطاء a مرادف له .. لذ ... هل انتم على استعداد ليلعب العبة هههههههههه .. صادووووووووووه |
التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة ابوفايز ; 10-13-2006 الساعة 05:03 AM
10-13-2006, 04:59 AM | #5 |
رد: do u know the meaning of .. ? a game
Dear sis Sahar Aljnoob your Ideaia is so cool, Ilke it Dont you thinke its butter to start withe asking for the meaning in english without useing the dictianery or to try atleast to traslait it or to get close to the meaning> it all yours but I thinke that is mutch better to make the persone worke harde to learn English. what I know the synonym of ( big ) is large some thing over the regular size my regards Saied Alkawaser ddfrad") |
10-13-2006, 05:11 AM | #6 |
رد: do u know the meaning of .. ? a game
أختي سحر الظاهر الليلة ماسكة معك علىمادة الانجليزي
مافية لغة عربية .. هههههههههه تحياتي .. |
10-13-2006, 05:26 AM | #8 |
رد: do u know the meaning of .. ? a game
سيد الكواسر
I agree with your opinion ,,but the dictionary will be beneficial for whom don't have any idea about the synonym of the word .... so they can have more information by searching in the dic. .. see about your answer .of course it's right it is (large) ..thank u for sharing us |
10-13-2006, 05:32 AM | #10 |
رد: do u know the meaning of .. ? a game
أبو فــــــــايز
you translated it very well man ..great job .. but you know the section here care about English more than anything else ... by the way ,, you didn't answer the question |
10-13-2006, 05:34 AM | #11 |
رد: do u know the meaning of .. ? a game
ولد صـــــــالح
you have to learn English here ,, choose any word you want to know about it and we will give you the meaning of it .. bye الترجمة لازم تتعلم انجليزي هنا .. اختار اي كلمة تبغى تعرف عنها واحنا بنعطيك معناها ... |
10-13-2006, 05:56 AM | #13 |
رد: do u know the meaning of .. ? a game
عـــــذب السجــــــايا
welcome dear ... but don't worry my connection is DSL ...so it will not coast me too much ... come on you have to answer the question ... byee التـــرجمة هلا فيك عزيزي .. بس لاتخاف اتصالي دي اس ال .. يعني مارح يكلفني كثير .. بس تعال وجاوب على السؤال |
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المواضيع المتشابهه | ||||
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لعبة الحياة●●--{ GaMe oF LiFe }--●● | ع ــبدالله | المواضيع العامة والإخبارية | 2 | 01-29-2010 04:48 PM |