
الطب والعـلوم صحة_دراسات_تقنية

إضافة رد
أدوات الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 09-21-2005, 05:23 PM
مركز تحميل الصور
الجــرح غير متصل
لوني المفضل Cadetblue
 رقم العضوية : 656
 تاريخ التسجيل : Dec 2003
 فترة الأقامة : 7726 يوم
 أخر زيارة : 11-22-2007 (01:07 PM)
 المشاركات : 2,680 [ + ]
 التقييم : 1
 معدل التقييم : الجــرح is an unknown quantity at this point
بيانات اضافيه [ + ]
افتراضي From the my lover catchwords "Be not transmitted" 0

She said be in some night and she chats at night with me

Are you remember when:

My rib surrounded your arms

Your other hand became interjoined with my hand

We began we dance

On tune of a feelings our we are in motion

It is in motion by our breaths

Something then a thing

I approach you

A very near from the each others

The skeins from my hair he was detached between ourselves

It is in motion vivace in front of our faces

Our breaths's breezes march her

You were charming

You were an adept in your silence

Your eyes only your eyes your eyes only your eyes

I was whenever I look at you

My body trembles between your two hands

You were whenever I smile to you

You drew your lip's limits on my neck

We remained by the hours

We dance we dance

We enjoy the talk of the eyes

You watered me from pleasant of a lover

My lip's nectar , made you drunk

Despite the fatigue which hit us

If we don't want to move away from we broke up

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 09-27-2005, 02:25 PM   #2

الصورة الرمزية دمعة بحر
دمعة بحر غير متصل

بيانات اضافيه [ + ]
 رقم العضوية : 3068
 تاريخ التسجيل :  Aug 2005
 أخر زيارة : 10-17-2009 (05:30 PM)
 المشاركات : 1,239 [ + ]
 التقييم :  1
لوني المفضل : Cadetblue
افتراضي مشاركة: From the my lover catchwords "Be not transmitted" 0

Wow What are these words , Al-Jar7!!!!
you should not write someting imparessed like that

in spite of that, it is really emotional , Good Luck


رد مع اقتباس
قديم 10-04-2005, 03:39 AM   #3
مركز تحميل الصور

الصورة الرمزية البحر المحيط
البحر المحيط غير متصل

بيانات اضافيه [ + ]
 رقم العضوية : 2635
 تاريخ التسجيل :  Jun 2005
 أخر زيارة : 06-16-2007 (03:46 PM)
 المشاركات : 184 [ + ]
 التقييم :  5
لوني المفضل : Cadetblue
افتراضي مشاركة: From the my lover catchwords "Be not transmitted" 0


" Take a look at your writing "
" Concentrate on sexy words you wrote "
" Now find the mistakes you've done "
" ? you think they're suitable here "
" ? Is this the way we think"
" Look at your selected words again "
" You should have seen it changing "
" And you must have been changed "
" Be as you should be "
" You're a commander here "
" Try to look up "
" ? If you can look up "
" You can get up "
" There is no need to give up "


 توقيع : البحر المحيط

الــبــ المحيط ــحــر

كل شىء يبدأ صغيراً ثم يكبر
إلا المصيبة فإنها تبدأ كبيرةً ثم تصغر
وكل شىء إذا كَـثـُـر رخص
إلا الأدب فإنه إذا كَـثـُـر غلا


التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة البحر المحيط ; 10-04-2005 الساعة 03:49 AM

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 10-04-2005, 04:09 AM   #4
مركز تحميل الصور

الصورة الرمزية الجــرح
الجــرح غير متصل

بيانات اضافيه [ + ]
 رقم العضوية : 656
 تاريخ التسجيل :  Dec 2003
 أخر زيارة : 11-22-2007 (01:07 PM)
 المشاركات : 2,680 [ + ]
 التقييم :  1
لوني المفضل : Cadetblue
افتراضي مشاركة: From the my lover catchwords "Be not transmitted" 0

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة دمعة بحر
Wow What are these words , Al-Jar7!!!!
you should not write someting imparessed like that

in spite of that, it is really emotional , Good Luck


The words are romantic dreamer only

I keep you alive I thank you for your generous commentary

I don't see am far there an exciter was wished verily this step ..!!


رد مع اقتباس
قديم 10-04-2005, 04:25 AM   #5
مركز تحميل الصور

الصورة الرمزية الجــرح
الجــرح غير متصل

بيانات اضافيه [ + ]
 رقم العضوية : 656
 تاريخ التسجيل :  Dec 2003
 أخر زيارة : 11-22-2007 (01:07 PM)
 المشاركات : 2,680 [ + ]
 التقييم :  1
لوني المفضل : Cadetblue
افتراضي مشاركة: From the my lover catchwords "Be not transmitted" 0

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة البحر المحيط

" Take a look at your writing "
" Concentrate on sexy words you wrote "
" Now find the mistakes you've done "
" ? you think they're suitable here "
" ? Is this the way we think"
" Look at your selected words again "
" You should have seen it changing "
" And you must have been changed "
" Be as you should be "
" You're a commander here "
" Try to look up "
" ? If you can look up "
" You can get up "
" There is no need to give up "


They welcomed my generous brother I thank you for your reply

The interpretation and an understanding the words vary between person and other

The terms we are capable of explaining her by many ways .. Not I believe put off there sexual words as what you mentioned

Perhaps you then she disquieted her or otherwise

The paragraph is found in part of the ideas the adult of the Arabic

by the same title and the same enclosed picture

Thank you & lasted fine


رد مع اقتباس
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أيهما تفضل""""الصمت ام الكلام"""في........؟؟؟؟؟ بنت السهوه المواضيع المكررة 1 11-22-2009 01:20 PM
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الساعة الآن 09:08 PM

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