سد الوادي
12-19-2011, 09:59 PM
كعادتها السنوية .. تقوم صحيفة بوسطن بنشر أفضل الصور لنهاية كل عام ..
وهذه المرة تقوم الصحيفة على غير المعتاج بنشر أفضل 50 صورة للطبيعة حول العالم
وهي من افضل التي شارك بها المصورين من جميع انحاء العالم ..
وسيكون هناك مشاركة بعنوان أفضل المختارة لعام 2011 كما عودناكم نحن في مجموعة يوسف البريدية على هذا
وسنوافيكم بالصور فور نشرها من مجلة ناشيونال جرافيك بأذن الله
مشاهدة ممتعة
فرس البحر يتم عرضها في معرض الأنواع المهددة بالانقراض في حديقة حيوان لندن
Seahorses are displayed at an endangered species exhibition at London Zoo. ( Dan Kitwood/Getty Images)
جواميس في بركة في ضواحي جامو في كشمير
A buffalo cools off in a pond in the outskirts of Jammu in Kashmir. (Mukesh Gupta/Reuters)
منظر مخيف لومضات البرق فوق احد البراكين الثائرة في تشيلي
Lightning flashes around the ash plume of the Puyehue-Cordon Caulle volcano chain near Entrelagos, Chile. (Carlos Gutierrez/Reuters)
رضيع القرد الحبشي في صورة لطيفة بحديقه الحيوانات بمدينة يوكاهوما - اليابان
An Abyssinian Colobus baby yawns at the Nogeyama Zoological Gardens in Yokohama, Japan. (Itsuo Inouye/Associated Press)
منظر جميل للغيوم وهي تحلق فوق كل من باريس وفوق برج ايفل
Clouds roll in and out of Paris, Texas, behind the Eiffel Tower replica. (Sam Craft/The Paris News via Associated Press)
حمار وحشي في حديقة برلين للحيوانات
A zebra stands in its enclosure in the Berlin zoo. (Johannes Eisele/AFP/Getty Images)
قناديل البحر تسبح تحت المياه في جزر Farne ، انكلترا.
A lion's mane jellyfish swims beneath the waters at the Farne Islands, England. The archipelago of to separate islands (depending on the tide) off Northumberland is a summer home to many kinds of wildlife. (Dan Kitwood/Getty Images)
اناث النمور في الهواء الطلق باحدى حدائق الحيوان في روسيا
A female Amur tiger, Iris, licks its -week-old cub during one of their first walks in an open-air cage at the Royev Ruchey zoo in Krasnoyarsk, Russia. The Amur tiger is an endangered species. (Ilya Naymushin/Reuters)
ثعبان باحدى القرى في مقاطعة تشجيانغ الصينية ويقال ان السكان في الصين يقوون باستخدام مليون افعى في السنه لاغراض الاكل والعلاج <--
A snake at a snake farm in Zisiqiao village, also known as the snake town, in Zhejiang Province, China. Residents raise more than million snakes a year for food and medicinal purposes. (Aly Song/Reuters)
A swarm of bees, partly loaded with pollen, returns to its hive in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. (Frank Rumpenhorst/AFP/Getty Images)
A one-week-old jaguar cub plays with her mother Rosa Salvaje at the National Zoo in Managua, Nicaragua. (Esteban Felix/Associated Press)
A water bird flies over a Danube Delta canal next to Tulcea city, east of Bucharest. (Daniel Mihailescu/AFP/Getty Images)
A rare baby Siamese crocodile hatches from an egg at the Lao Zoo outside Vientiane, Laos. Last month, baby crocodiles were hatched from eggs found in a lake in southern Laos; they will eventually be released into the wild. (Wildlife Conservation Society/Associated Press)
Two -month-old crowned lemurs lay on their mother's back at the zoo in Mulhouse, France. Every year there are about to births at the Mulhouse zoo. (Sebastien Bozon/AFP/Getty Images)
Horses fight during the Rapa Das Bestas traditional event in Sabucedo, Spain. Hundreds of wild horses are rounded up, trimmed, and groomed in Spain's northwestern region of Galicia on the first weekend of July. (Miguel Vidal/Reuters)
A swan walks through a green field in Kamp-Lintfort, Germany. (Roland Weihrauch/AFP/Getty Images)
A chameleon waits to be weighed and measured in the reptile house at the London Zoo. Every year the keepers record the heights and weights of more than different species in the International Species Information System, where they can be shared with zoos across the world. (Ki Price/AFP/Getty Images)
Iblis, an Asiatic lion, plays with a recycled Christmas tree in his enclosure at the Chester Zoo in England. Unsold Christmas trees donated to the zoo are used in the animal enrichment program. (Phil Noble/Reuters)
A pony grazes in a meadow at sunset in Lausanne, Switzerland. (Fabrice Coffrini/AFP/Getty Images)
A murmuration of starlings fill the evening sky above Gretna, Scotland. (Scott Heppell/Associated Press)
Water drops cling to the bottom of a leaf in Harrisonburg, Va. (Justin Falls/Daily News Record, via Associated Press)
Kamchatka brown bear Mascha and one of her two -month-old cubs nuzzle in Hagenbecks Zoo in Hamburg, Germany. (Fabian Bimmer/Reuters)
Lesser flamingoes rest on their only breeding ground, Lake Natron, at the foot of Ol Doinyo Lengai in Tanzania. (Tony Karumba/AFP/Getty Images)
Marine life is rich in the Indonesian waters of Raja Ampat between the Pacific and Indian oceans. (Ebram Harimurti/AFP/Getty Images)
An Egyptian goose attacks its reflection in Anish Kapoor's sculpture "Sky Mirror " in Hyde Park in London. (Luke MacGregor /Reuters)
وهذه المرة تقوم الصحيفة على غير المعتاج بنشر أفضل 50 صورة للطبيعة حول العالم
وهي من افضل التي شارك بها المصورين من جميع انحاء العالم ..
وسيكون هناك مشاركة بعنوان أفضل المختارة لعام 2011 كما عودناكم نحن في مجموعة يوسف البريدية على هذا
وسنوافيكم بالصور فور نشرها من مجلة ناشيونال جرافيك بأذن الله
مشاهدة ممتعة
فرس البحر يتم عرضها في معرض الأنواع المهددة بالانقراض في حديقة حيوان لندن
Seahorses are displayed at an endangered species exhibition at London Zoo. ( Dan Kitwood/Getty Images)
جواميس في بركة في ضواحي جامو في كشمير
A buffalo cools off in a pond in the outskirts of Jammu in Kashmir. (Mukesh Gupta/Reuters)
منظر مخيف لومضات البرق فوق احد البراكين الثائرة في تشيلي
Lightning flashes around the ash plume of the Puyehue-Cordon Caulle volcano chain near Entrelagos, Chile. (Carlos Gutierrez/Reuters)
رضيع القرد الحبشي في صورة لطيفة بحديقه الحيوانات بمدينة يوكاهوما - اليابان
An Abyssinian Colobus baby yawns at the Nogeyama Zoological Gardens in Yokohama, Japan. (Itsuo Inouye/Associated Press)
منظر جميل للغيوم وهي تحلق فوق كل من باريس وفوق برج ايفل
Clouds roll in and out of Paris, Texas, behind the Eiffel Tower replica. (Sam Craft/The Paris News via Associated Press)
حمار وحشي في حديقة برلين للحيوانات
A zebra stands in its enclosure in the Berlin zoo. (Johannes Eisele/AFP/Getty Images)
قناديل البحر تسبح تحت المياه في جزر Farne ، انكلترا.
A lion's mane jellyfish swims beneath the waters at the Farne Islands, England. The archipelago of to separate islands (depending on the tide) off Northumberland is a summer home to many kinds of wildlife. (Dan Kitwood/Getty Images)
اناث النمور في الهواء الطلق باحدى حدائق الحيوان في روسيا
A female Amur tiger, Iris, licks its -week-old cub during one of their first walks in an open-air cage at the Royev Ruchey zoo in Krasnoyarsk, Russia. The Amur tiger is an endangered species. (Ilya Naymushin/Reuters)
ثعبان باحدى القرى في مقاطعة تشجيانغ الصينية ويقال ان السكان في الصين يقوون باستخدام مليون افعى في السنه لاغراض الاكل والعلاج <--
A snake at a snake farm in Zisiqiao village, also known as the snake town, in Zhejiang Province, China. Residents raise more than million snakes a year for food and medicinal purposes. (Aly Song/Reuters)
A swarm of bees, partly loaded with pollen, returns to its hive in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. (Frank Rumpenhorst/AFP/Getty Images)
A one-week-old jaguar cub plays with her mother Rosa Salvaje at the National Zoo in Managua, Nicaragua. (Esteban Felix/Associated Press)
A water bird flies over a Danube Delta canal next to Tulcea city, east of Bucharest. (Daniel Mihailescu/AFP/Getty Images)
A rare baby Siamese crocodile hatches from an egg at the Lao Zoo outside Vientiane, Laos. Last month, baby crocodiles were hatched from eggs found in a lake in southern Laos; they will eventually be released into the wild. (Wildlife Conservation Society/Associated Press)
Two -month-old crowned lemurs lay on their mother's back at the zoo in Mulhouse, France. Every year there are about to births at the Mulhouse zoo. (Sebastien Bozon/AFP/Getty Images)
Horses fight during the Rapa Das Bestas traditional event in Sabucedo, Spain. Hundreds of wild horses are rounded up, trimmed, and groomed in Spain's northwestern region of Galicia on the first weekend of July. (Miguel Vidal/Reuters)
A swan walks through a green field in Kamp-Lintfort, Germany. (Roland Weihrauch/AFP/Getty Images)
A chameleon waits to be weighed and measured in the reptile house at the London Zoo. Every year the keepers record the heights and weights of more than different species in the International Species Information System, where they can be shared with zoos across the world. (Ki Price/AFP/Getty Images)
Iblis, an Asiatic lion, plays with a recycled Christmas tree in his enclosure at the Chester Zoo in England. Unsold Christmas trees donated to the zoo are used in the animal enrichment program. (Phil Noble/Reuters)
A pony grazes in a meadow at sunset in Lausanne, Switzerland. (Fabrice Coffrini/AFP/Getty Images)
A murmuration of starlings fill the evening sky above Gretna, Scotland. (Scott Heppell/Associated Press)
Water drops cling to the bottom of a leaf in Harrisonburg, Va. (Justin Falls/Daily News Record, via Associated Press)
Kamchatka brown bear Mascha and one of her two -month-old cubs nuzzle in Hagenbecks Zoo in Hamburg, Germany. (Fabian Bimmer/Reuters)
Lesser flamingoes rest on their only breeding ground, Lake Natron, at the foot of Ol Doinyo Lengai in Tanzania. (Tony Karumba/AFP/Getty Images)
Marine life is rich in the Indonesian waters of Raja Ampat between the Pacific and Indian oceans. (Ebram Harimurti/AFP/Getty Images)
An Egyptian goose attacks its reflection in Anish Kapoor's sculpture "Sky Mirror " in Hyde Park in London. (Luke MacGregor /Reuters)