المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : اوباما عند حائط البراق يرتدي قبعه اليهود الشهيرة

11-06-2008, 01:57 PM
و ما أشبه اليوم بالبارحة قبل فترة نرى صور بوش عند حائط المبكى

لورا بوش عند حائط المبكى


والان اوباما




اوباما وهو يضع اكليل من الزهور من اجل ذكرى الهولوكوست

( و لن يَصلُح أمرَ هذه الأمة إلا على ما صَلُحَ عليه أمر أولها )

و أسأل الله أن يجعلنا سُدُودًا في وجه مَدِّهمُ الخبيث ..

و أسأله سبحانه ألا يجعلنا قناطر لعبورهم

ليكن الله فى عون المسلمين

اخوكم المرسال

11-06-2008, 02:27 PM
وده الفيديو


ذات الشان
11-06-2008, 03:02 PM
اي رئيس امريكي لابد ان يخطب ود اليهود ويقدم لهم القرابين حتى يرضوا عنه ويسمحوا له باكمال مسيرته نحو البيت الابيض

هل قام ماكين بزيارة حائط المبكى ايضا ام لا ؟
ولو حدث فلم لم نر له صورا كصور اوباما ؟

جاسر الغراني
11-08-2008, 02:23 AM
أخي الكريم .. أشكرك على حرصك وغيرتك المفعمة بالدلائل والبراهين .

أتوقع - شخصياً - أن الصور السابقة ليست إلا ( مدبلجة ) .. وللإخوة رأي ولي رأي ..

أتمنى أن تتقبل مداخلتي بكل صدر رحب ، وليست إلا وجهة رأي قد تتغير بحسب الظروف .

زاهر آل عابس
11-08-2008, 05:00 PM
المرسال طال عمرك

صحيح انهم كلهم اعداء للاسلام

بس الصور اللي لوباما مركبه وسهل كشفها

وتحياتي لك

أبو عابد
11-09-2008, 01:31 PM
تحسبهم جميعا وقلوبهم شتا

أسأل الله أن يشتتهم

عينك سماي
11-10-2008, 11:50 AM
عليهم من الله مايستحقونه

يوسف آل عايش
11-10-2008, 10:26 PM
الحين عندي سؤؤؤال !!!!!!!!!!!!
ليه انتم حاااطين امل كبير في اوبااما ؟؟؟
الحين يااخواني هل تعلمون ان اي رئس امريكي هو مسير لا مخير >> هناك مجلسان هما _ الاول : مجلس الكونجرس _ الثاني : مجلس الشيوخ..
هما من حكما امريكا لمدة البضع والاربعون عاما السابقه .. يعني لا تنغروون وااجد .. الكلام يطول .. وتقبلو مروري ..

يوسف آل عايش
11-11-2008, 05:57 PM
الحين عندي سؤؤؤال !!!!!!!!!!!!
ليه انتم حاااطين امل كبير في اوبااما ؟؟؟
الحين يااخواني هل تعلمون ان اي رئس امريكي هو مسير لا مخير >> هناك مجلسان هما _ الاول : مجلس الكونجرس _ الثاني : مجلس الشيوخ..
هما من حكما امريكا لمدة البضع والاربعون عاما السابقه .. يعني لا تنغروون وااجد .. الكلام يطول .. وتقبلو مروري ..
البضع والاربعو المقصود بها الرؤساء وليست الاعوام وشكراً

11-13-2008, 11:59 PM
جزاكم الله خير

الصور من قناة CNN
Obama's prayer 2:10
CNN's Paula Hancocks reports on the outcry after the note left by Barak Obama at Jerusalem's Western Wall is published.

وده الفيديو


11-14-2008, 02:39 AM
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

يافخامة اليمهوريه

مذا ودك يلبس ثوب مذيل ودسمال ولا يحتزم بينبيه ويتعصب ويهب على راسه غراز (صاخ في ويهه)

ياوابتك ياخبل فان اسراييل هم يهبون ذا ودهم في البيت الاسود

وهب خبزه

11-14-2008, 02:11 PM
خبّئ رئيسك الأسود لبيتك الأبيض :030305041039:

هيهات أن يستطيع أوباما، إصلاحَ ما أفسده بوش، حتّى لو كان شيخَ العطّارين، متمثّلا بقول الشاعر:

وهل يصلِح العطّار ما أفسدَ الدهر!؟

11-14-2008, 02:37 PM

المصدر (http://www.independent.co.uk/opinion/commentators/fisk/robert-fisk-obama-has-to-pay-for-eight-years-of-bushs-delusions-1001092.html)


American lawyers defending six Algerians before a habeas corpus hearing in Washington this week learned some very odd things about US intelligence after 9/11. From among the millions of "raw" reports from American spies and their "assets" around the world came a CIA Middle East warning about a possible kamikaze-style air attack on a US navy base at a south Pacific island location. The only problem was that no such navy base existed on the island and no US Seventh Fleet warship had ever been there. In all seriousness, a US military investigation earlier reported that Osama bin Laden had been spotted shopping at a post office on a US military base in east Asia.

That this nonsense was disseminated around the world by those tasked to defend the United States in the "war on terror" shows the fantasy environment in which the Bush regime has existed these past eight years. If you can believe that bin Laden drops by a shopping mall on an American military base, then you can believe that everyone you arrest is a "terrorist", that Arabs are "terrorists", that they can be executed, that living "terrorists" must be tortured, that everything a tortured man says can be believed, that it is legitimate to invade sovereign states, to grab the telephone records of everyone in America. As Bob Herbert put it in The New York Times a couple of years ago, the Bush administration wanted these records "which contain crucial documentation of calls for a Chinese takeout in Terre Haute, Indiana, and birthday greetings to Grandma in Talladega, Alabama, to help in the search for Osama bin Laden". There was no stopping Bush when it came to trampling on the US Constitution. All that was new was that he was now applying the same disrespect for liberty in America that he had shown in the rest of the world.

But how is Barack Obama going to repair the titanic damage which his vicious, lying predecessor has perpetrated around the globe and within the US itself? John F Kennedy once said that "the United States, as the world knows, will never start a war". After Bush's fear-mongering and Rumsfeld's "shock and awe" and Abu Ghraib and Bagram and Guantanamo and secret renditions, how does Obama pedal his country all the way back to Camelot? Our own dear Gordon Brown's enthusiasm to Hoover up the emails of the British people is another example of how Lord Blair's sick relationship with Bush still infects our own body politic. Only days before the wretched president finally departs from us, new US legislation will ensure that citizens of his lickspittle British ally will no longer be able to visit America without special security clearance. Does Bush have any more surprises for us before 20 January? Indeed, could anything surprise us any more?

Obama has got to close Guantanamo. He's got to find a way of apologising to the world for the crimes of his predecessor, not an easy task for a man who must show pride in his country; but saying sorry is what – internationally – he will have to do if the "change" he has been promoting at home is to have any meaning outside America's borders. He will have to re-think – and deconstruct – the whole "war on terror". He will have to get out of Iraq. He will have to call a halt to America's massive airbases in Iraq, its $600m embassy. He will have to end the blood-caked air strikes we are perpetrating in southern Afghanistan – why, oh, why do we keep slaughtering wedding parties? – and he will have to tell Israel a few home truths: that America can no longer remain uncritical in the face of Israeli army brutality and the colonisation for Jews and Jews only on Arab land. Obama will have to stand up at last to the Israeli lobby (it is, in fact, an Israeli Likud party lobby) and withdraw Bush's 2004 acceptance of Israel's claim to a significant portion of the West Bank. US officials will have to talk to Iranian officials – and Hamas officials, for that matter. Obama will have to end US strikes into Pakistan – and Syria.

Indeed, there's a growing concern among America's allies in the Middle East that the US military has to be brought back under control – indeed, that the real reason for General David Petraeus' original appointment in Iraq was less to organise the "surge" than it was to bring discipline back to the 150,000 soldiers and marines whose mission – and morals – had become so warped by Bush's policies. There is some evidence, for example, that the four-helicopter strike into Syria last month, which killed eight people, was – if not a rogue operation – certainly not sanctioned byWashington or indeed by US commanders in Baghdad.

But Obama's not going to be able to make the break. He wants to draw down in Iraq in order to concentrate more firepower in Afghanistan. He's not going to take on the lobby in Washington and he's not going to stop further Jewish colonisation of the occupied territories or talk to Israel's enemies. With AIPAC supporter Rahm Emanuel as his new chief of staff – "our man in the White House", as the Israeli daily Maariv called him this week – Obama will toe the line. And of course, there's the terrible thought that bin Laden – when he's not shopping at US military post offices – may be planning another atrocity to welcome the Obama presidency.

There is just one little problem, though, and that's the "missing" prisoners. Not the victimswho have been (still are being?) tortured in Guantanamo, but the thousands who have simply disappeared into US custody abroad or – with American help – into the prisons of US allies. Some reports speak of 20,000 missing men, most of them Arabs, all of them Muslims. Where are they? Can they be freed now? Or are they dead? If Obama finds that he is inheriting mass graves from George W Bush, there will be a lot of apologising to do.

11-14-2008, 03:48 PM

عليك بالعافيه

ابوباسل الجمعي
11-14-2008, 11:24 PM
وش الجديد اذا كان نصف الكنكرس يهود + ولي يتحكم بقتصاد العالم يهود =اسرائيل
الله يهديكم خلوكم في البر وسمن وتركو الامر لله سبحانه :030104_emTE20_prv::030104_emTE20_prv::03030504102 3:

صقر الباديه
11-18-2008, 08:45 PM
بمناسبه فوز اوباما

جميع تكاارين العاالم لديهم شعار واحد هو

اليوم مايشيل قماما لان الرئيس اوباما
ههههههههههه وتقبلو مروري