المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : إذا ماتعلمتوا >> اضربوووني

سحر الجنوب
11-29-2006, 09:01 PM
::مرااحبـ .. موضووع عجبني .. وحبيت تستفيدون منه ::

|؛¤ّ,,ّ¤؛|In Life|؛¤ّ,,ّ¤؛|

CONFIDENCEhttp://www.y1y1.com/u/uploads/f61c223bac.jpg (http://www.y1y1.com/u) الايمان

Once, all village people decided to "pray" to ask god for " rain ". On the day of prayer all people gathered and only one boy came with an Umbrella, that's confidence

عندما يذهب الناس جميعاً ليؤدوا صلاة الحاجة لله ، لكي يهطل المطر .. في هذا اليوم يتجمع الناس من كل صوب ، ويأتي طفل من بعيد حاملاً معه مظلته!! مؤمناً ب:: هطول المطر :::
عندها نري معنىً ل" الإيمــــان " ...

http://www.y1y1.com/u/uploads/40052219dc.jpg (http://www.y1y1.com/u)

Trust should be like the feeling of a one year old baby when you throw him in the air, he laughs......because he knows you will catch him

الثقة يجب أن تكونَ كمشاعرِ طفلٍ في السنة الأولي من عمره ... عندما تلقيه في السماء لتداعبه ، يضحكُ ويضحك !!!
لا لشيء ، بل لأنه يثق بأنك ستمسك به في النهاية ..عندئذ نري معنيً ل " الثقة "

http://www.y1y1.com/u/uploads/1173f57020.jpg (http://www.y1y1.com/u)

Every night we go to bed, we have no assurance to get up alive in the next morning but still you have plans for the coming day

في نهاية كل ليلة ، نلقي بأنفسنا على السرير ، لا نعرف متي أو كيف أو ماذا يحصل في الغد ،
أو حتى لا نعرف إن كنا سنصبح أحياءً أم أموات ، رغم هذا كله لا تزال تضع الخطط لليوم القادم ..

http://www.y1y1.com/u/uploads/382d4db4f6.jpg (http://www.y1y1.com/u)

Should be like the feelings of a man, who cried a lot alone .., Then ......!!!!
He gets up , hide his tears , and Smile .. Just !!!!

As you open the door on him ,,

الإصرار والعزيمة يجب أن تكون كاحساس رجل أضعفته هموم الحياة ، بكي وبكي وحيداً في غرفته ، ،، وفجأة !!!

قفز ذاك الرجل واقفاً ، مسح دمعته ، وابتســـــــــــــــم !!!

كان هذا عندما فتحوا عليه باب الغرفة ...

هكذا تكون الإصرار والعزيمة ..

فيـ النهاايه ..


تحيااتيـ لكم ..

ويارب تستفيدون من الموضوع ... :qlbe12:

12-02-2006, 11:08 PM
merci ma lady

we need more than this one

be fine

عبدالعزيز العمري1
12-02-2006, 11:17 PM
Sorry I can`t understand!!!!!!!!!!
whats wrong?

سحر الجنوب
12-03-2006, 01:11 AM
Charles Dikens
you are very very welcome sir .... by the way ,, how is Shekspear ??? thank u for passing

Abdulaziz Ali

sorry ,, what's the part that you can't understand ?? everything is clear dear

12-03-2006, 05:38 AM
Whisper :k

.Do you know a member he wrote a day here by form liberals ? His subjects agitated a big controversialist.
He was a supervisor from this parts and the medical part since a more than 4 year.
He built half of this forums .
He was hindered from the writing here before more than 5 months.I am that person . I miss this part ..
I am return to it now.
ddfrad") My wishes to you by conciliation.

12-03-2006, 05:57 AM
Don't say anybody about this
.They will not read this talk.
:wink: Till if they read it , they will not understand.

عبدالعزيز العمري1
12-03-2006, 07:48 AM
Still no understand, is that a story?

عبدالعزيز العمري1
12-03-2006, 12:55 PM
oh yah, after translation , I knew who is that ,CH.Dk
Ok:Whar about CH.PE.
is he will come again?
in sha Allah

سحر الجنوب
12-03-2006, 03:51 PM
o.k ,, wait a minute !!!! are you ... (...)????? that person who was seeing the whole things around him while every one blamed him because he was very clever and open mind ,,, so many people attacked him because he was liberal ... but is he still liberal ??? or as they said that he's not anymore and he went back to mind after so many lost days he spent it in writing foolish subjects (as they said ) ... U know what ??? I really miss that person's topics ,, but where have he been all that days ?? .. anyway thank God that u come back ,,, and I hope u still with us and it's my pleasure to be my new partner in supervising ( ofcourse if u want ) ,, by the way , you should know that as sooon as they read our speech , they will realize what we are talking about

سحر الجنوب
12-03-2006, 04:06 PM
Abdulaziz Alamri

great that you got it ,,, i hope you get benefits ... and I don't think that CH.PE' days will be back .... thanks alot

12-04-2006, 12:16 AM

Yes I am that one .
And I do not care at all when they know .
I did not retreat from my principles .. I was still open-minded .
The talk about the retreat is just a rumour to breaking my will .
I did not find a mop that accommodates me except this place (your part).
All in the other departments is traditionalists .
I have been prevented from writing in the forums . One of them tried to dress me a charge at the police .
I have got out of it >>easily .

I was still writing .
And I will return one day so that I write by my real name .

Good greeting my sister .

12-04-2006, 05:28 AM
Thank you for your care . And thank you to the warm welcome .
I greet you from my heart .
I am the same one that you said in your message .
The time will not lengthen until I return by the famous name .
I repeat my thanks and my gratitude .

In fact my participations do not allow me the response on you by a similar message .

عبدالعزيز العمري1
12-04-2006, 10:16 AM
Ha ha ha ha
have a nice joking

سحر الجنوب
12-04-2006, 12:09 PM
In fact my participations do not allow me the response on you by a similar message

oh yea sorry I forgot about it ... but don't worry ,,, I knew that you will return someday cause you are right and you have the right to say whatever you wanna say ....
that rumour was so bad and it doesn't work with me cause i didn't believe it
the matter now that you are okey and can share us in the forumes ,,, by the way I like ur new name ( Charels Dickens ) good choice

سحر الجنوب
12-04-2006, 12:10 PM
looooooooooooooooool ... you have no idea about that real joke

عبدالعزيز العمري1
12-04-2006, 06:47 PM
I think you will be hit really

See you later

12-05-2006, 03:36 PM
We will return tonight.

:wink: Good evening , .

I like my famous name.

I have wonderful memories of him.

Be cooool

سحر الجنوب
12-06-2006, 01:51 AM
abdulaziz ali
why ???!!

charles dickens
you are welcome anytime

عبدالعزيز العمري1
12-06-2006, 04:37 PM
because I did not learn any thing from your speach

لايطول غيابك
12-10-2006, 12:29 AM
u welcome back
nice to see u ....
try by badge
we are waiting for u
salutation to u
try to glance our love......u will happy and u will ask
see what imean about that...remarkably.

continually all the time with oue allah.
so we are eager to see u in old linkand hope name to u.

sorry to u
good wishe,s
nice lolly toooooooooooo u

عبدالعزيز العمري1
12-10-2006, 10:56 AM
Sorry La Yotool Geaybik do you mean me ?
or sameone
Thanks a lot

سحر الجنوب
12-10-2006, 02:17 PM
looooooooooooool .. come on I don't deserve it ,, the topic is really interesting , enjoyable , and we can learn so much from it ... I think u r the one who will be hit

سحر الجنوب
12-10-2006, 02:19 PM
لا يطول غيابك :
for whom these beautiful words ?? be clear

عبدالعزيز العمري1
12-10-2006, 05:14 PM
Miss Sahar Aljanob
:59: :59: :59: :59: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

Please do not make me to laugh too much,
because I laughed too much when I read your replay.

لايطول غيابك
12-11-2006, 02:08 AM
لمن قراء وراء

try to use every world alone
what do u get after that
try to be in love to every body because we are the same
i hop from every one used power body to make our live sweet>
look brother,s there are many love under cover upto where>
i need u help to rise u hand,s and ask our allah to be happy about me all the time ...

see u later

فله العمري
12-11-2006, 04:54 AM
يعطيكم العافيه جميعا وتقبلو خالص تحياتى

عبدالعزيز العمري1
12-11-2006, 12:51 PM
يعطيكم العافيه جميعا وتقبلو خالص تحياتى
الاخت فلة العمري
نحن هنا نرد على المواضيع باللغة الانجليزية
فهل تسطيعين ان تقولين يعطيكم العافية جميعا وتقبلوا خالص تحياتي باللغة الانجليزية

Sister Fulla
We are here use English Language for replay on the topics
? can you say that which you say in last time in English please .

Thanks a lot

سلطان القلوب
12-15-2006, 04:45 PM
i didn't learn anything .. so, i want to beat u
if u remember your promise ( the title in the top ) .......ok:wink_5:

12-15-2006, 11:36 PM
Asslam alycome

Hello every body in the start it was a very nice subject then at a sadden the subject changes to silly subject! Rely there is no benefit of telling us that some one was a liberals who cares ? or that he was stopped one day out of this forum.
I new this guy very will
Please tell that we new him very will but we don't care much about him
My best regards to u

عبدالعزيز العمري1
12-16-2006, 12:31 AM
Yes M.Abu Fares
Exactly there is sameone Absent
I know him :cool:
But Dosen`t matter to me If he want to share us in this topic will be have to him
Thank u very much

سحر الجنوب
12-16-2006, 12:23 PM
فلـــة العمـــري
يسلمووووو على مرورك ... الف شكر ياعسل

سلطان القلوب
o.k I give up ... u and Abdulaziz Alamri didn't learn anything ,, so I agree but hit me with a rular
looooool .. thank u for passing

عبدالعزيز العمري1
12-16-2006, 12:45 PM
Miss Sahar
Thanks for Allah
because there is an one who is that share me in my idea

Thanks a lot
M.Sultan Algolob
and sorry I am late
have a nice day

سحر الجنوب
12-16-2006, 01:27 PM
أبو فـــــارس
thank you for passing ,, and i respect your opinion about the librals ,, everyone have the right to say whatever he wants ... thank you

عبدالعزيز العمري1
12-16-2006, 01:36 PM
Good looking Sister Sahar Aljaonob

12-19-2006, 11:30 PM
أبو فـــــارس
thank you for passing ,, and i respect your opinion about the librals ,, everyone have the right to say whatever he wants ... thank you

I appreciate your concern.
Olso I respect what you have said and You are absolutely right, that Every one has the right to say what ever he likes But he doesn't have the right to confines me to be like him

09-08-2009, 05:57 PM
اشكر لك حسن اختيارك ونشاطك
لك تقديري وامتناني